2014-2015 High School Basketball Rules Changes



Art. 3: Arm sleeves, knee sleeves, lower leg sleeves and tights are permissible:

  1. Anything worn on the arm and/or leg is a sleeve, except a knee brace, andshall meet the color restrictions.
  2. The sleeves/tights shall be black, white, beige or the predominant color of theuniform and the same color sleeves/tights shall be worn by teammates.
  3. All sleeves/tights shall be the same solid color.
  4. Meet the logo requirements in 3-6.

Note: In general, a brace is defined as anything that contains hinges and/or straps or an opening over the knee cap.


d. Excessive contact with an opponent while the ball is live or until an airborne shooter returns to the floor.


g. A player occupying a marked lane space may not have either foot beyond the vertical plane of the outside edge of any lane boundary, or beyond the vertical plane of any edge of the space (2 inches by 36 inches) designated by a lane-space mark or beyond the vertical plane of any edge of the space (12 -inches by 36 inches) designated by a neutral zone. A player shall position one foot near the outer edge of the free-throw lane line. The other foot may be positioned anywhere within the designated 36-inch lane space until the ball has been released.

10-6-12 New

The following acts constitute a foul when committed against a ball handler/dribbler:

  1. Placing two hands on the player.
  2. Placing an extended arm bar on the player.
  3. Placing and keeping a hand on the player.
  4. Contacting the player more than once with the same hand or alternating hands.



TEAM MEMBER’S EQUIPMENT, APPAREL (3-5-3 NEW): The 2013-14 rule implementation regarding arm and leg sleeves was difficult to monitor and enforce by contest officials and coaches. Anything worn on the arm and/or leg is considered to be a sleeve, except a knee brace, and shall meet the color restrictions. Tights that extend below the knee are now legal and must meet the color restrictions by rule. Medical verification of arm and leg compression sleeves has been eliminated. All sleeves/tights shall be the same solid color per individual player. The sleeves/tights shall be black, white, beige or the predominant color of the uniform. The same color arm and leg sleeves/tights shall be worn by all teammates. For example, the guidelines specify that if white arm sleeves are worn, then the leg sleeves/tights must also be white.

FOUL (4-19-3d): This change expands the definition of an intentional foul to include excessive contact committed while the ball is live or until an airborne shooter returns to the floor. This recognizes an intentional foul call should be made against any player, not only on the person playing the ball.

FREE THROW PROVISIONS (9-1-3g New): This rules change affects players in marked lane spaces. The new rule allows players in marked lane spaces to enter the lane when the ball is released by the free thrower. The restrictions for the free thrower and players not in marked lane spaces remain in effect until the free throw touches the ring or backboard, or until the free throw ends. This rules change will better allow officials to monitor violations and fouls that may occur on a free throw attempt.

CONTACT (10-6-12 New): Rather than continuing to make illegal contact a point of emphasis, a new criteria for foul enforcement was created. The intent is to clean up perimeter play and restore freedom of movement to the game. The new rule clearly explains specific contact that should be called a foul. This criteria should provide for more understanding of illegal contact for coaches and players, and improved enforcement by officials.


The above rule changes are copied from the official documents here and here. These documents and the NFHS rules book are the definitive source for this information and the information posted here is only for reference.

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