GCBOA Board Meeting
June 28, 2015
In attendance- Jim Rudisell, Sean O’Shaughnessey, Jeff Ayers, Andy Ey, Antonio Woods, Ed Williams, Jeff Bailey, Larry Lasita, Angelo Zolotas. Also attending but not voting was Greg Steinker.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. Second Antonio Woods.
- General Association Update- We currently have around 285 members in GCBOA. That number will drop this summer as members decide to not officiate any longer, but will grow with the new class.
- Review Past President Officer Replacement- Board voted to have Dave Siefring complete the 1 Year term as Past President, stepping in for Marty Monterosso, who has retired.
- Financials- Detailed financial will be reported at first association meeting.
- Email Update- Sean O.- GCBOA will have to find a new server application for our email program. The current program is being phased out by our provider. Sean is working on a replacement he will build, or if not feasible, will find a new provider for email. The new program will run approximately $550 per year.
- Tournament Recognition- Do we begin a program for this? The Board decided to explore this further. AZ will reach out to get an approximate cost, present to the Board for final vote.
- Association Give Aways- Ideas, Budget- Andy Ey will check into options for the association. Will look into program for T-Short, Shorts, Compression Shirt, Shoe Bag, Hand Towel. We will report back to the Board for decision
- New Officials Class- OHSAA Approved, begin September 22nd– Class approved and will be ready to go. Asking for any prospective students to contact Matt V, Jeff A, or AZ.
- Meeting Topics- Need Ideas/Topics for meetings
- October 26- NFHS Rule Changes, OHSAA POE’s
- November 2-
- Block/Charge Reviews- Videos, Explanation, anything to improve it
- Official/Coach Relationship- Larry L
- November 9- Floor Clinic
- 3 Man
- 2 Man
- November 16- Traveling, Disqualification Process
- November 23- Roundtable Discussion
- January 10, 2016- Montgomery Inn
- Open Discussion
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.