Author: Wade Bent
The GCBOA class for people wishing to become OHSAA certified officials will begin on September 28, 2011. If you know of anyone who is interested in becoming a basketball official please have them contact me at:
Wade Bent
513-769-3284 (Home)
513-884-6120 (Cell)
Upon successful completion of this class students will become a state certified basketball official, a member of the GCBOA for 2011 and will be ready to officiate games this season!
The logistics of the class are:
- DATES: The first class will be on Wednesday, Septembwer 28, 2011. We will plan to meet every Wednesday evening through November 9
- TIME: The class will meet from 6:00 PM through 9:00 PM each period
- Place: We will meet at Landmark Christain High School (500 Oak Road Evendale, Ohio 45241, or 1600 Glendale Milford Road).
- Landmark Christian is located on Oak Road which is just off Glendale-Milford Road, just west of I-75 It is also off Rt 275 and is easily accessible by those roads. We will be meeting near the Gym in a room to be determined. I will send you the specific of the room in a following E-Mail. To get to the gym area you must go on Oak Road to the entrance to the school about 1/4 of a mile and the gym is on the building on your left..
- Cost: The cost for the class session is $ 110 and is payable on the first night via check or cash. Credit card payment is not available. This fee covers all state required fee’s for the 2011/2012 season, Local association dues for the 2011/2012 season, all class materials including rule books, mechanics manuals, class binders and testing fee’s. Essentially the only thing not covered is an officials uniform and we will provide some options for getting that gear if you are interested.
- *Please note that the fee’s for the class are non-refundable after the first week of the class. This is primarily due to the large percentage of the cost that is given to the state. If there are payment issues please let me know. Successful completion of the course is dependent on paying the class feed in the entirety.
- Class Criteria: To become certified in the state students MUST pass this class. There are 3 components to passing the class. They include a 100 question rules test, a 100 question mechanics test and being observed by the class instructors in a live game situation. We will make every effort to ensure the students are prepared for each of these elements. The bad news here is that if the student were to fail the test, the fee’s are non-refundable. The good news is that in teaching the class for the past 7 years we have not had anyone fail the course.
- In addition to the state mandated information we will cover many other topics that will help your officiating efforts. Items such as how to get games, how to handle difficult coaches and participating in a local association meeting are all part of the class. The session will also be useful for people who may not be interested in working high school ball. In the past we have had a number of people who only want to referee recreational games and we have had coaches who want to understand the officiating piece a bit more thoroughly. Our objective is to ensure students pass the class, have a good understanding of how to referee a basketball game and have some fun along the way.
- In addition to classroom work we will be in the gym during a couple of class sessions reviewing on court topics, students will have the opportunity to work and observe others working high school scrimmages and we will do some film review as part of the class as well
Again, if you know of anyone whom is interested in the class, please have them contact me prior to 09/25 so I can ensure we have materials for them.
Wade Bent
GCBOA Instructor