GCBOA Board Meeting
May 16th 2013
Greg Steinker, Marty Monterosso, Jeff Ayers, Matt Velten, Jason Arthur, Jay Cooper, Britton Meier, Jason Knoderer, Jim Abbott. Jim Rudisell also in attendance.
Audit Jeff Ayers, Jason Knoderer, Jay Cooper
Rules: Jason Arthur Dave Shire Jason Knoderer
Goverenance: Jim Abbott, Rennie Cousneaiu
Program: Jim Rudisell, Britton Maier Jay Cooper
Nominating: Jim Abbott, Ivan Fulton, Dave Shire.
Matt Nominates Jin Rudisell for Program Director Marty Monterosso Seconds. Vote 9-0 to approve Jim Rudisell as program director.
Secretaries Report:
Meeting Dates Set for Landmark and Moeller HS for Floor Clinic and Montgomery Inn for Dinner meeting. To be put on GCBOA Site by Sean O’s.
GCBOA numbers are strong 240 members. Trend is moving up each ear due to good retention and strong new class members.
Looking for speaker ideas for Dinner meeting- to be addressed as year moves forward.
Asked Board to think of ideas for Ballaban and Franklin Award nominees as well as VP and Board positions. Will follow as year progresses.
Treasurers Report
Jeff Ayers handed out GCBOA Statement to Board. Board approved the statement 9-0 vote to accept.
Jeff also covered expenses incurred with GCBOA moving to nonprofit status which was finally approved by the IRS.
New Business:
Question brought to my attention that some members did not like the late voting time for our top 30. Board discussion ensued and it was determined that the Board like the timing of the vote. Motion made to vote to keep the vote in January. Vote 9-0 to keep vote as is.
Final Friday night social discussed. Board agreed that it should be located in the Montgomery area as to stay in a central location for the members. Board decided that Friday’s in Kenwood is an ideal site. Board vote 9-0 to have Final Friday at Friday’s Kenwood.
Member gift addressed. Several ideas bounced around but the idea of GCBOA whistle looked to be the best ideas. No action taken at this time as Board members want to look into other ideas. Follow up in August.
Discussion on Program ideas. 2-5 Class will be maintained by Matt Velten and Angelo Zolotas with Jim Rudisell direction the main body of GCBOA.
Meeting adjourned.