Partnering for the rest of the Season and Tournament

This is the subject we covered in our 2 thru 5 year class a year or so ago. With the New Year here and the tournament coming I thought it would be something that I would share with everyone again.
Thoughts on partnering:
Partnering describes the way we interact and relate to our fellow officials. Generally, we think of it in terms of what we do on the floor. The following ideas demonstrate a broader vision, one that includes attitude,  demeanor, and character. Partnering is a verb and therefore calls us to action. Preparing is…
1. Stepping outside of our comfort zone and doing what is right for the situation, our partners and the game.
2. Preparing  ourselves mentally so that the anxiety resulting from a natural  fear of failure does not paralyze us but mobilizes us to succeed.
3. Maintaining perspective that the game is not here for us- we are here for the game.
4. Allowing our competitiveness to show itself through being the best “I”can be, NOT by being better than “you.”
5. Recognizing that each one of us-although we have arrived on different paths- have earned our place.
6. Checking our egos to make sure we are not trampling  over others.
7. Giving and receiving feedback professionally and respectfully.
8. Celebrating, sincerely, the success and accomplishments of others.
9. Contributing to the quality of other’s experiences because any group or community that works together cannot live in a bubble and be effective.
10. Accepting responsibility for ourselves- including our circumstances, decisions and attitude. Who we are and what happens to us is not somebody else’s fault. Be a problem solver, not a finger pointer.


Matt Velten
GCBOA Secretary

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