Our Dinner Meeting, January 8, 2012, at the original Montgomery Inn location in Montgomery.
Because this is a dinner, we need to get a head count prior to the event for Montgomery Inn. Thus, if you are planning to attend, please send a note to Angelo Zolotas (azolotas @ cinci.rr. com – this email address is not ‘clickable’ – you will have to copy and paste it to your email application) to confirm your attendance.
The cost for the dinner is $25.00 for members, and $35.00 for guests you would like to bring. Montgomery Inn provides a choice of 3-4 menu options for you, plus salad and non-alcoholic beverages. A Cash Bar is available. This is a great opportunity to get out with your spouse or significant other for a nice meal away from home. We would love to see as many members as possible attend.
Finally, this does count as one of your 4 required Local Meetings. If you need a meeting, plan to attend
We will collect the dinner fee the night of the event.
Hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please email Angelo at the address above.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.